Write them down!…

Hello loves,
Today’s piece will not be a long one like the ones I normally write because there are days when inspiration is slow even when it is something that you love doing. However, I will say something about writing down our goals. By this, I mean on paper. Are there times you have identified some personal project that you want to do for yourself before the year or month ends? I know you have. So, what stops you from achieving that project?

the number of ideas that the human brain has at any given moment are so many

I was having a conversation with a guy on writing goals. He believes that you really do not have to write them down because so long as they are in your mind you can and will do them. Pause and ask yourself, how long do you think they will last in your memory? Now science talks about the short-term memory and the long-term memory with the short-term memory lasting about 15 to 30 seconds. That is short, huh! and with the number of ideas coming to mind at any given time, we really don’t have a chance. I am more interested in the long-term memory. There are explicit memories and implicit memories. The implicit ones are more of habits and skills that we have; things we can do automatically like tie a shoelace, pick up something that has dropped etc. The explicit memories are things we are consciously aware of and are intentionally trying to remember. They are generally episodic (triggered by events and people) or semantic (general knowledge). Enough about science!

These are my two senses on writing your goals and projects on paper. First writing them down on paper confirms your actual intention of wanting to achieve them. You tend to write down things that you are serious about doing. It’s a great way to filter out what you were just saying and what you mean to do. They become your points of reference always. every time you see and read them; they will remind you that they still need to get done so get moving! Secondly, they point you to a direction. It is not written anywhere that you have to do them in order. You are at liberty to choose what to pick on your list unless you are very particular about order. Remember, the goal is to achieve them and clear the list. Thirdly, it enables you to give yourself a timeline. Yeah, we all have personal projects that we are still planning to do since the 19th century. Can you give yourself a timeline! Otherwise, it will be something that you will always be planning to do. Fourthly, we are humans and we tend to forget whether we have great memories or not. Jotting them down is a great way to start embedding them in your memory.

writing them down is a great way to start!

Bottom line, we are all entitled to opinions and doing what works for you is a great way to go about it. However, it does not hurt to have them down on paper. Also, in as much as the goal is to finish them, it could eventually, be about the feeling you get once you can achieve them. It’s that satisfaction, the sense of achievement or the motivation that you can do it. Writing them down will always prompt you to get working towards achieving them. What do you think? Is writing them down important? why? I would love to read your comments on this…

Enjoyed reading, comment, like, share and subscribe….

Until next time, cheers!

Published by Penn

We all express ourselves in different ways. The goal is to always express yourself. I write...

4 thoughts on “Write them down!…

  1. Good work, great points. Yes its true that putting them down will help you remember…..there are those who choose to have them in the mind and still work them out somehow……..but the bottom line is, we must use any method to have our plans achieved.

    Till next time, cheers.


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