Who are you?

looking up woman wearing blue v neck top
Photo by Tony James-Andersson on Pexels.com

I was just thinking to myself the other day, ‘Who am I?’ That question sounded so easy. In fact, as easy as 1,2,3, right? …wrong! Far from it, it may and probably will be the hardest question that you ever have to answer.

I have often asked myself that question and it is not until recently that I started to decipher what it actually, is all about. Whenever someone asked me that question I would often respond, ‘I am Peninah,’ and other bunch of crazy stuff that really did not explain much about that who I am. I will also let you know that I have read a lot of articles that try to help someone answer that question. The truth is, that they all say the right things. Unfortunately, until you attempt to answer that question, you will never really know who you are. I decided to try and answer some questions that may eventually point out to who I am. It’s a process of course, but its working so fine, I thought I should share those questions with you. Stick around, it’s interesting I promise.

1. What is most important to you?
Being a child is golden. During my early years, I just looked forward to eating, playing, going to sleep, going to school and just living. On to the next phase, overcoming those personal challenges that teenagers have like trying to fit in or coping with puberty and all the hormonal changes was almost okay. Fast forward to being an adult when you had to be this amazing person. The go to person for advice, for fun, for love, for networking and for friendship. Come on, even you know that at this point its almost impossible to be all that. I think that in order for people to experience who you are, you need to know and understand who you are. Answering the question, ‘What is most important to you?’ is a step to getting to know who you are. These are the things you think that are most to your life. Is it time spent with family or loved ones? Is it making more money? Is it staying healthy? Is it helping out in the community? You know yourself, what is most important to you?

2. What makes you happy?
The first time I asked myself this question, I assured myself that there is a lot that makes me happy. Then I went a step further and asked myself, ‘Name ten things that make you happy?’ Can you imagine that my list had only 3 things? This is a joke, right? Eventually, I decided that it is better to really take stock of my adult life and find these things that make me happy. I dare you! Ask yourself this question and go a step further and write down the answers. You will be surprised at what you find out, I guarantee that. I found out that there is not much that makes me happy like I had thought. Think of things that can boost your positivity on any day and fire you up for all the right reasons. What makes you happy?

3. How do you describe yourself?
Has anyone ever asked you, ‘describe yourself in three words?’ If no one has ever asked you anything of the sort, then you need to change the circle of the people you interact with. Such questions are bound to pop up when you are having conversations with friends, family and that other special person, yes… him or her. This question tries to answer the type of personality you are. I am sure when you really think about the way you treat others, the way you interact with your people and what kind of people you like being around you will get close to answering that question. If you still cannot peg what your personality is, you could try some fun games with friends to help you shade some light to the answers. Click this link https://www.elephantjournal.com/2015/12/a-personality-test-party-game-that-connects-you-to-anyone-in-5-minutes/ to try out a personality game that I have tried before. It’s fun, I promise.

4. What do you believe in?
This is just an alternative to the question ‘What are your values?’ think about the things you esteem. The things that are standard for you when it comes to how you conduct yourself and how you relate to other environments, things and people. I came to realize that for me, God comes to the top of the list. In my opinion, I find it uncomfortable to be around people that do not believe in God because our conversations will always edge towards disagreements as a result of differences in faith. That’s just one thing I believe. Maybe you value honesty, loyalty, trust among other values. The point is to discover and eventually, know what it is that you believe in.

From the above questions, it is evident that introspecting should be in order. Yes… that is adulting too. My point is that, when you are able to answer these questions and many more others, you are on the way to discovering who you are. I am not completely there yet but I have made strides and I can report good progress. I have been reading this e-book called, ‘Stop Playing Small’ by a phenomenal woman called Wambui Cavanaugh who is a life coach that helps women to become the people that they need to be in order to create the life that they desire. It is a very interesting read and it is completely free. I have gotten some pretty amazing insights from it and I hope it will do the same for you. Click https://wambuicavanaugh.com/ to download and read it.

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Published by Penn

We all express ourselves in different ways. The goal is to always express yourself. I write...

2 thoughts on “Who are you?

  1. A great piece over there, but for real , some of us, the ones proudly called adults, are too busy with life and all we can define ourselves is mostly from our career. Like.. am a Medic , a cop , a realtor and so on… but I believe we have a better definition than what pays our Bills, isnt it?

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